My name is Carl, most people call me Chi, this is a nickname I picked up a few years back.
I have created this blog for one of my hobbies, Warhammer. I will be documenting my current projects and showing step by step process of the army(ies) I am currently working on.
I will also share tips and tricks that I have picked up over my 15 years of collecting, painting and playing. I am always looking to learn new things, so if you have any great techniques that you think are worth using, please let me know.
Onto my first project:
I have recently organised a 'Tale of Four Gamers' (if any of you do not know what this is check out this link ToFG Intro), my army of choice is a Commander O'Shovah (Commander Farsight) themed Tau army, so I have a few rules to stay within. For example, I can not have any Ethereals in my army and I can not have Farsight himself until we reach 1500pt games, so what did I pick for my first purchase for Game One?
Game One is a 400pt 40k in 40 minutes game with some slightly adjusted rules. I.e., the 2+ armour save is allowed.
I must have one HQ and one Troops choice only, I am not allowed another HQ or Troops choice, the rest of the 400pts must be either Fast, Heavy or Elite units.
HQ: I have picked a standard battle suit commander with two plasma rifles (these are great for knocking over things like terminators); iridium armour (2+ armour save); and a drone controller (two shield drones to take the flack from any instant death weapons).
Troops: One unit of Fire Warriors (twelve strong with two shield drones, a Shas'ui leading), these are all equipped with photon grenades, in case they get charged, and pulse rifles because of the the 30" range.
For my last choice, I have thrown all my points into a broadside battle suit, this is upgraded to a Sha'vre so he could get access to the battle suit upgrades. This allows me to give him a drone controller and two shield drones, enabling him to live long enough to actually do some damage.
So, these are my first purchases. My first unit to build and paint will be the Fire Warriors, these are the most fiddly and time consuming. I shall update this Friday with my progress and some pictures!
Until then, feel free to leave comments and ask questions, I'll answer as many as I can.
Hey Carl. I'm liking your new blog. I've put a link up to it on my blog so people can see "tale of gamers" from two points of view. You going to be down GW on thursday?