So Friday 22nd was round one of the now tale of many gamer's and it went really well.
Eight gamer's sat down to play this epic opening battle and what a game it was, with the random locations for deployment making things very interesting before anyone had even had a taken a dice roll against another player.
The Daemons where the first to fall in turn two after inflicting heavy casualties on the Orks as they made there way into the Command Bunker leaving just four Ork boys standing, then the Warboss turned up to support his Boys and destroy the Daemons, they did however leave the Boys at two strong.
You may have guessed the Orks where the next to fall as my Fire Warriors entered the Command Bunker and unleashed there Pulse Rifles with rapid fire targeting the Warboss who could not handle the shots and fell leaving the two Ork Boys alone, Orks being Orks they shot and charged into my Fire Warriors taking one down with there shooting but amazingly in combat and the second turn of it they fell to the numbers and the Orks where out of the game.
The Imperial Guard where the next to fall down to a combination or Eldar, Dark Eldar, Grey Knight, and my Broadside,
The Grey Knights made the first hit the Terminators climbing a top the landing pad and unleashing a hail of storm bolter rounds before charging and ripping the Guard limb from limb as the Guard broke and ran they ran straight into the Eldar jet bikes and where soon dead, the Sentinel was the next to fall from a couple of shots from my Broadside, first shot immobilised it the second blowing it to bit's, finally the Guard command squad was ambushed by the Dark Eldar who ripped them limb from limb in a very short round of combat thus the Guard where gone.
Eldar feel next in a glorious three way combat consisting of a Necron lord, Grey Knight captain and of course the remains of the Eldar who had been slowly riddled down as the speed across the board, the combat raged for 3 turns with the Eldar being slowly hacked up by the combined assault of the two special characters and the odd volley from my Tau commander shooting into the combat from the side lines.
Last to fall was myself with my Tau the combined effort of the Necrons and Grey Knights killing me outright the lord ripped my Fire Warriors asunder, the Grey Knights ripping my Commander and Broadside apart before sprinting for an objective.
The game ended with the Necrons controlling the Manafactorum and the Grey Knights controlling the landing pad.
All in all it was a great game only taking two hours with eight armies and some good fights.
Next up is the battle for the Power Station with only one faction holding the vital uplink needed to steal the power from the PDF (Planetary Defence Force) who do not know friend from fo, the Grey Knights head into battle holding the uplink but can they keep it away from the other six armies eager to get there hands on it?